Flowers of the Barkerville Hiking Trails
The elevations dealt with in referring to the hiking trails of the Barkerville highlands range between Barkerville at 4000 feet to the highest point of the Two Sisters Mountain at 6900 feet. Within this range, a growing season that is remarkably short, hikers can find a variety of flowers, shrubs, mosses, grasses and lichen. Click here to see more flower details.
Aided by a comprehensive guide book on the flora of the Pacific north-west, it is easily possible to identify many more than the very common, most prominent species listed below. The average hiker who elects to ascend and descend through these latitudes will find that the trails lead through woodlands and meadows prolific with plant life, some attuned to all elevations and others occupying territory exclusively their own.
The profusion of flora as found in this hiking area presents a problem as the best means by which to list it by family, by color, by region. Considering that the elevation range is within a 3000 foot stratum, the least confusing most simplistic way to record it is alphabetically and by the most locally common name.
Most hikers from the youngest to the oldest, whether deeply into the study of flowers or not, will feel familiar with the common name used here as well as in other areas of British Columbia.
Instead of trying to describe all the plants and flowers you may encounter on your hikes we would recommend the following hand books.
1. Plants of Northern British Columbia – Mackinnon -Pojar –Coupe ( Best)
2. Audubon Society, Field Guide to N.A. Wildflowers
3. Trees, Shrubs & Flowers to know in B.C. – G.P. Lyons