Please see the latest newsletter where recent projects are reported with photos.
- Donated $4383.00 to Barkerville Historic Town for the purchase of another electric medi scooter for handicap use to enable them to get around the town site more easily.
- Donated $3000 to sponsor Bonepicker projects, “The Rivet” and “The Nail”.
- Kiosk structure completed at Stanley Cemetery. It will hold a display of historical information on the people buried there.
- Produced and printed 1000 post card brochures promoting the Friends of Barkerville Cariboo Historical Society.
- Printed a spring and fall newsletter.
- Continued with annual Jerry MacDonald bursary award with two winners selected each year, $400 each.
- Donated $1000 to Newman & Wright road show tour coming in the spring of 2019.
- Posted the Stanley Cemetery on-line to the “Find a Grave” site which is a world-wide genealogical site. Includes gps co-ordinates for how to find; short history of cemetery and photos of headboards of known people buried there, putting it on the map for the public to do research and visit.
- Assessment was done on a portion of the 1861 Gold Rush Pack Trail to see if maintenance was required.
- Reconnaissance trip on the Old Wagon Road from Stanley to Richfield was done on bicycle.
- Gave input to Barkerville on the maintenance and upkeep of the Barkerville/Wells cemetery.