Please see the latest newsletter where recent projects are reported with photos.
- Install information kiosk building at Stanley cemetery that will display history of the people buried there
- New headboards being replaced and engraved. Work bee will be needed to install.
- Work on agreement to allow bikes through Barkerville; explore a bypass and/or an access agreement with Barkerville.
- Produce a Friends brochure/pamphlet to promote/display/handouts at info centres, tradeshows etc.
- Update the Friends website
- Help with a Bonepicker Film Festival
- National Hiking Trail awareness (McBride/Goat River/Barkerville/1861 GRPT
- Repair and improve access at slide area on the ditch line trail to Cooper’s Cabin
- Establish more geocache sites near Barkerville
- The Blackwater fire suppression unit crew (if available) will do trail maintenance
- A newsletter will be worked on and posted on this website
- Partner with Barkerville providing funds towards cement benches along the new low mobility access trail from Lowhee campground to Barkerville and may or may not be completed in 2017
2017 photos