Please see the latest newsletter where recent projects are reported with photos.
- Donated $5000 towards Wright & Newman “Bonepicker” project
- Annual $100 donation to Barkerville Halloween fireworks
- Continuing with annual Jerry MacDonald Memorial Bursary awards, $800
- Donated $5000 towards Billy Barker mine/shaft house display
- Official opening of Billy Barker display with FOB director cutting ribbon
- Assisted 7 Summits Bike & Hike race
- On site for Victorian Christmas
- Trail work bee clearing of Van Winkle trail and section of Wagon Road and put up new signs.
- Prepared a nomination package for Stanley cemetery; to include Chinese portion to be recognized as a Chinese Historic cemetery
- New Harry Jones grave marker installed by John Mitchell at Stanley Cemetery with FOB volunteers help
- Work bee for trail maintenance on the Van Winkle trail; signs installed for Powder House trail, Summit Rock, Van Winkle trail, Goldfields Ditch line and Mount Agnes
- Grand opening of Stanley Cemetery Low Mobility Trail, CRD provided funding
2015 photos