Please see the latest newsletter where recent projects are reported with photos.
- FOB closed store at Barkerville Hotel but opened for Victorian Christmas
- Work bee at Barkerville/Wells cemetery with FOB volunteers and Wells residents, brushing, weeding, repairs to grave markers.
- Guided snowshoe hikes in Barkerville, Bruce’s trail to Stouts Gulch, Richfield and Williams creek
- CRD donated $15,000 towards wheel chair access to Stanley & Blessing sites; outhouses installed at both sites and maintained by FOB. CRD also donates annually $1250 for maintaining these during summer season.
- Assisted with 7 Summits Bike & Hike race
- Annual donation of $100 to Barkerville Halloween fireworks.
- Continuing with annual Jerry MacDonald Memorial Bursary awards, $800
- On site for Victorian Christmas
2012 photos