Please see the latest newsletter where recent projects are reported with photos.
- Plans in 2011 is to get the Cariboo Sentinel newspaper digitized
- Donated metal bridge for access to Canadian Claim
- Continue raising funds by selling shares for the Canadian Claim display
- Donated $3000 to Barkerville for Barkerville cemetery maintenance towards general clean-up, brushing and fence repairs
- Launched new website
- Assisted with 7 Summits Bike/Hike race

- Continue improvements at Stanley Cemetery and Blessings Grave
- Annual donation of $100 to Halloween fire works
- Hotel open for Victorian Christmas
- Replaced Blessings headboard
- Creation of trail maps posted to website with detailed descriptions and directions with ratings, generously donated time and materials by consultant Jim Kurta of Westroad Resource Consultants Ltd.
- Continuing with annual Jerry MacDonald Memorial Bursary awards, $800