Please see our FaceBook page where we announce projects coming up. Here is your chance to volunteer in some of our worthwhile projects. Contact us, we would love to have you on our team!
The Friends of Barkerville - Cariboo Goldfields Historical Society being a not for profit organization relies upon volunteers to do work bees and fund raise. One of the ways we raise funds is by selling annual memberships. We put these funds towards projects in and around Barkerville and we communicate with Barkerville to see where they might want or need our financial support to partner on projects with them. We also apply for grants for ourselves and on behalf of Barkerville for specific projects, activities, or events.
We do volunteer trail work such as signage, brushing, and clearing. As well, we are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of Stanley cemetery and Blessings gravesite. We have partnered with groups such as Cariboo Ski touring club and Quesnel Goldrush Cycling club to do some of the upkeep/maintenance of the 1861 Gold Rush Pack Trail, Yellowhawk and Jubilee trails and other historical trails in the area.
We will send out notification to our membership list when we plan to do work bees. If you would like to help us by volunteering to do work on projects, please respond to these notifications.
Continue to purchase and renew your Friends of Barkerville – Cariboo Goldfields Historical Society annual memberships and encourage your extended family, friends and fellow workers to purchase their membership for the first time or to renew it if they have had one in the past.